Sunday, August 17, 2014

Another Mini Post

I sometimes wonder how it takes so little to pack and go and so long to get back to regular life after you returned from a vacation. Here's the second of my two mini blog postings since I'm still recovering from vacation and have a ton of books to share.

Rogue by Katy Evans
I don't think it's a secret on this blog that I'm a big fan of Katy Evans and Real. I loved Remy and the story from start to finish on all three books. When I learned she was going to come out with a story on Melanie, I did a "squeeeeeee". What you might not know is the author originally had a story in mind, set to write it and felt awful at the end. Why you ask? Because Greyson, her alpha male in this story demanded attention from her (the author) and a different outcome from what she wrote. So, she scrapped the whole story and started over. This is one of the things I love about the NA book genre. We get to hear these great stories from the author's on their process and what's happening behind the scenes. I loved learning that Greyson too over Katy Evans thinking and mind and demanded a different outcome. The outcome of the new book was amazing and I was glad that Greyson demanded this storyline. I loved him as a character and the debts he provided to it. Melanie was a great character as well. We get to see more into what makes her tick. We also get little snippets from the rest of the gang. If you were a fan of Real, than I would recommend Rogue as your next read. (Now, how do we find out from the author why Greyson has that piercing? I would love to hear the story behind that one.)

 Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire
Another "squueeeeee" moment was when I learned that Jamie McGuire was going to write about the Maddox boys. A group of bad boys who love fiercely and fight hard for it. What's not to love about that in a male book character? We met both Cami and Trent in the first book, Beautiful Disaster. What I really liked about this book was that we got behind the scenes of what was happening while Abby and Travis were falling in love. Trent and Cami's story takes place during the same time. So, going into the story you're thinking one thing and by the end, you're turned completely around. Now a not, I'm serious about this, DO NOT read ahead or check out the last few pages. It will spoil the big ending. Trust me since I sneaked a peek. I honestly don't think I would have been able to guess it if I hadn't ruined it by taking a peek. So, don't sneak a peek and defiantly read the book a second time since it will take on a whole new meaning and feel after learning the big secret. My only wish....more at the end. An epilogue would have been awesome. However, we'll see more of the other Maddox brother's which means we'll get to hear how these two are doing.

Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau
The final book in the testing brings it back around like the Hunger Games but with a better resolution. I loved the hunger games but at the end kept asking, "what about that darn pearl?!" I didn't have any lingering questions at the end of this book. However, I do think the author could write and write and write some more on what happens next. I really felt there was more story to be told. To me, that's a sign of a great read. Wanting more and seeing the potential for it to be there. Time and time again, these books have shown Cia to be a wonderful hero for girls to read. Cia is a character that believes in herself but doesn't think she can do it alone. She trusts herself to make the right decisions and find the right people to trust. We need more stories like this for our daughters to read. Trust and math/science winning the day. What's not to love? If you haven't read The Testing yet, make it your next YA read. If you have, make sure to check out Graduation Day!

All books posted today were borrowed from our local library.

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